There are many benefits to theatre that most people do not realize. Children learn to work together, gain self-confidence and even boost creativity. Actors typically walk in someone else’s shoes while playing a character and by doing this they learn how to be empathetic. This makes it all the more likely for them to deal with situations in a positive, professional manner.
Research shows that students who are exposed to the arts are more likely to be involved in community service, and are less likely to drop out of school. Studies by neuroscientists have shown that both the left and right hemispheres of the brain need to be fully stimulated in order for the brain to utilize its true potential. This means that it is just as important to immerse children in creative activities that exercise the right brain, as it is to immerse them in scientific and analytic activities for the left-brain. If children are exposed to additional performance arts, they will actually be working toward more effective thought processes.
We allow young performers to work on their skill set at their own pace. While participating in a scene or production, we encourage young performances to experience theatre through…
CREATIVITY: Performing arts teach children how to think creatively through imagination. Without creativity, there is nothing that makes an organization unique. Creative skills are one of the most important skills needed to be successful in any industry.
CULTURE: Through theatre, audiences are immersed in stories about characters from every background imaginable. Live shows teach children how to appreciate people of all kinds and how to respect other points of view.
PATIENCE: Young actors will learn how to sit quietly, respect others, pay attention, and hold proper discussions with one another.
MORALS: Theatre is a safe way to expose kids to difficult situations, life lessons while showing them firsthand how to handle these situations.
COMMUNICATION: Theatre exposes young people to new vocabulary and ways of communicating. Through the arts of dance, acting, and music, children learn how to communicate in a variety of unique ways.
IMAGINATION: Children need imagination to grow, create, think, and play. Theatre is the single most valuable place where kids can explore the endless possibilities of their imaginations and what they can do.
Want to learn more about the benefits of theatre? Read this article by Dr. Louis E. Catron. 5 Benefits of Theatre Arts is another good article.
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